Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Sunday, October 29, 2006
More Raya

Malas nak edit dan crop : Very genuine moods
Masih malas edit mahupun crop
No 4 : Alissa Nur Latifa ( 2 months )
Cropping malas, edit malas, guna prop pun malas, buat soft box pun malas.
Just so you people can have a raya day commenting on the photos, no editing, no cropping, no what nots were done to the above images.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri
Well apologies whatever done for all the damages last year and now we can look forward for a better future. Better reasons for mintak maaf next raya so that the mintak maaf session will be more real and meaningful.
Meanwhile. here are some photos taken during my cuti raya mostly of the children in different moods. I admire Ikelah family photos where in a single composition various moods are displayed. So this Raya, the topic is people and moods taken throughout my raya journey covering over 1,600km from KL to Kuantan, to Kijal to look for lemang and then Kuantan to Kulai via Rompin and then to JB, Muar before returning to KL. No traffic jam for me this year alhamdulillah. I noticed my son picked up the loghat Pahang from his Aki. Pedas sangat became pedeh sanget.
No 1 : Muhammad Emir Ferhan
No 2 : Yasmin Nadya
No 3 : Lily Hayati
Private Water Theme Park
War !!!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Makang Ikang Dalan Pinggang
What puzzles me is he bought the car for 280K and pays about 2,500 a month for 7 years. When it comes to house loan, why do we pay about the same monthly installment for the same amout of loan but the repayment is for 25-30 years. Why aaaa? I think when buying house, better don`t say for house but say for car or for kawin or anything else but house.
Anyway, we went to Kemaman, stopped at the market to buy berbuka stuffs to cook at this small six suite family challet.
This are the guys inspecting stuffs like meat, lung, spleen and perut for the gulai kawah. Ustaz Wan Alias ni terrer masak.
This is the chalet.
Waiting for berbuka.
There are the deserts of buah mempelam harumwangi, grapes, kueh entah apa, kueh pelita, kurma king solomon. Main dishes are gulai kawah, gulai ikan singgang tenggiri, kari ikan lemudok and lots of ulam including petai.
Caught stealing endangered telur penyu.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
It happened again
But yesterday I was reminded of yet another thing. We can just plan but God decides.
It`s the first day puasa and I was going out of the house to PWTC to check on the MATTA fair there. In my mind I was already calculating the kueh seri muka RM1, Kueh lapis RM1, ikan keli bakar etc to bring back for berbuka. "Balik nanti beli kek yek" my wife gave her order. " Buat apa? " I answered. I like seri muka, why does she want kek? Dia tak posa. I thought. " Kek birthday " added my wife.
I only remembered her birthday about 3 seconds after asking "Birthday saper?"
Hahahaha nasib baik every year macam ni. Jadi dia dah faham sangat dah. I don`t even remember my own birthday. So happy birthday Salina.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Born Free - Merdeka!
When I got married, I willingly let go part of the freedom. I let myself be colonised by the outside power. Being colonised gives you some privileges though. You get an additional id card, get educated, learn new ways, decode sms language and get to know new people.
When my son was born, I again let go more freedom. Then my second and then the 3rd and on the 28th August the 4th was born. She was supposed to be born on the 20th but made us all wait for a whole week doing nothing. Now that`s a good start. I left my family in Kulai and shall only pick them up next week insyallah. I have 1 whole week of freedom and now that I`m back in the wild, I am trying to reacquire the surivor skills I have long forgotten.
So introducing Alissa Nur Latifa. Alissa is the name of a flower. Nur Latifa means pure/fine light. Her first photo taken about 2 hours after birth.
Alissa`s elder sister Lily. Looks like me and as stubborn also.
I wish all the best to my son Emir in dealing with his 3 sisters and on the right is the story teller Yasmin. Should have named her Shahrezad.