Jom Balik Raya
Today after work, I am to take Emir and myself for the annual gunting rambut Raya session before driving to Kulai. All according to my wife punya plan la. On the afternoon of the first Hari Raya, then only we drive balik to my kampung in Kuantan. Knowing my mother in law, she wouldn`t allow us to leave so early and so i would estimate that we can only leave Kulai after 5 pm. This is how I have been celebrating for the last 5 years of married life. Quite fun. I try to make myself look seriously involved in the planning but actually I can`t really be bothered balik Kuantan or balik Kulai dulu. So...if I argue about it and finally agreed to her, it gives the impression that I am really concerned and the issue looks very important and geting me to agree is the first sweet feeling of Raya. As long as I can see almost everybody, even if they don`t say hi to me also never mind but as long as I can see them, it`s already good enough. The rest is bonus.
I said I actually don`t care Raya Kulai or Raya Kuantan dulu because as long as I can go to both places I am already satisfied. It`s already a blessing for me. It`s not only the place but with whom you spend time with. It can be during Raya or much after or before it`s already a blessing. Because before that for almost 16 years, Raya morning often meant starting the day alone with yesterday leftover bread, scramble egg and teh O. It`s not because there`s no other food in the house but the culture there is different. In Turkey, they celebrate Ramadhan and not Shawal. On the 1st Shawal they just go for raya prayers and then if the weather is good, take their family for picnics or to a nearby relatives house for a visit.
Sometimes rindu jugak raya sorang sorang makan salami scramble egg with bread, cucumber, black olive, feta cheese and fresh tomatoes.
Selamat Hari Raya and drive safely.
I said I actually don`t care Raya Kulai or Raya Kuantan dulu because as long as I can go to both places I am already satisfied. It`s already a blessing for me. It`s not only the place but with whom you spend time with. It can be during Raya or much after or before it`s already a blessing. Because before that for almost 16 years, Raya morning often meant starting the day alone with yesterday leftover bread, scramble egg and teh O. It`s not because there`s no other food in the house but the culture there is different. In Turkey, they celebrate Ramadhan and not Shawal. On the 1st Shawal they just go for raya prayers and then if the weather is good, take their family for picnics or to a nearby relatives house for a visit.
Sometimes rindu jugak raya sorang sorang makan salami scramble egg with bread, cucumber, black olive, feta cheese and fresh tomatoes.
Selamat Hari Raya and drive safely.
Trust you to have a positive outlook on things. Mengalah lah awok sokmo supaya rumahtangga bahgia.:p.
16 tahun beraya makan scramble eggs...sedihnya..kenapa tak pergi Malaysian embassy or cari org Melayu lain kat sana?
Takpe yg penting sekarang awok boleh pulun segala lemag, ketupat dan rendang yg awok tertinggal untuk 16 thn
dith, at 7:45 PM
awok kate boleh mmasok? kawe 4 tahun raye obesi, masak rendang daging, ayam, nasik himpit (himpit bawah buku law), mee rebus, roti jala, kari ayam, woh.. macam2 la. seme org lelaki masok tara nunggu orang pompuan mandi, pakai baju, mekap. orang pompuan datang makan je.
kelakornya, raya punya pasal pakai baju melayu, sampin, bermain bergambor kat luar rumah tengah2 sejuk senow. no problem.
Anonymous, at 9:34 PM
lagi satu, kome buat lemang pulun bungkus dalam aluminium foil, pastu bake dalam oven. boleh la makan... darurat.
Anonymous, at 9:35 PM
Hahaha Boogey this year I pulak yang beraya dengan Mr. Spicey's Halal chicken frankfurters... ngeh ngeh ngeh.
Last year it was Turkish mixed grill, also lontong and rendang, the year before mad buffet with satay and murtabak and pulut kuning and lemang, the year before my family was in UK so best ada rendang, the year before beraya with my then fiance's best friend's family yang baraya kat London. All in all alhamdulillah.
P5: bukan himpit bawah ketiok ker?
drroza: kalau pi Malaysian embassy nanti dapat mihun goreng 1 senduk je, cam tahun lepas. Tak hilang pun sejuk berjalan jauh2 nak carik rumah dia. Last2 balik masak sendiri. Funny thing is tahun2 lepas best giler... ada satay, makanan cukup semua... really meriah the atmosphere was really superb.
Anonymous, at 10:54 AM
DIT, not every year of the 16 years but most i guess. Some years especially the early years I cook because at that time ada jugak lah Malaysian. We made nasik himpit bungkus dengan kain pelikat and plastic letak bawah tilam. Cooked rendang and kari and stuff. Most of the time it`s us boys doing all the cooking because the girls for one reason or another have difficulty making things happen in a team. They were busy outwitting each other and too sensitive to each others advise on how cooking should be done. The boys were too ignorant on such things I guess. We mature a bit later.
Some years I celebrated at the Indonesian embasy instead of Malaysia. They were more welcoming compared to Malaysian Embasy.
Boogey, at 5:09 PM
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