Planet Rodong

Friday, January 27, 2006

Haj 1426H

The arrival Terminal-Madinatul Hujjaj
For those who have performed Haj will surely recognize the images displayed here. These are the images of the Hujjaj coming from all over the world from different races, colours, languages, social status, ages, cultures all different and these different qualities provide a test to each one of them. Can we get along together or can we not. As we sat in the Masjidil Haram, someone step over us, as we tawaf, people push us roughly, hands touching our back. What is our reaction? Can we unite? Or will we tend to put certain conditions first making it a conditional unity?
So here are some images from my last Haj. There are lessons to be learned. This year I learned a new one. "Mina is crowded, the tents are crampy. If it`s not so, then it`s not Mina and Haj would have less meaning."

Nasi Mandi Feast

The morning Tarwiyah rush a day before wukuf

Little Hujjaj Going for Tarwiyah

Wukuf in Arafah

Wukuf coming to an end

The sky over Mina

Good spot to watch the rescue work at the collapse site