Asam Pedas Melaka
I finally got a taste of the famous asam pedas Melaka at Hajjah Mona Asam Pedas. Yes the famous asam pedas which made Melaka famous or the other way round. Actually asam pedas is not foreign to me because I can cook asam pedas also and my arwah mom cook very good asam pedas only that I remember her calling it asam tumis instead. So yesterday after attending to some business in Seremban, I drove down to Melaka to see my wife who is there for 2 weeks attending a course and she took us to Taman Datuk Laksmana to have a try of the famous asam pedas at a popular place. We were given a plate of rice with cocumber slices and half portion salted egg. Then we can order the asam pedas and choose what type of fish. I chose ikan parang and my wife opted the tenggiri. Talking about salted eggs, I used to laugh at my Turkish friends for their watermelon and aubergine jam. I`m not sure of the spelling and too lazy to check but it`s jam terung lah. They laugh back at me for my ikan kering and telor masin and said when you can get the fresh ones why eat the rotten ones. Only scavengers do that. Anyway back to the asam pedas Melaka, actually they`re nothing. My arwah mom`s asam tumis is much better. My wife`s, mine and the warung Kak Ina downstairs is better also. They are not pedas enough and the taste is also not strong. Then why is it so famous? I have a few theories. I see half the customers are chinese. The chinese love the asam pedas Melaka. They probably are the ones making it famous. Theory 2 : The Melaka people are the heboh type. They have one small drum and can make very loud noise with it. Well, they do talk loudly. Theory3 : It must be someone from Perak who first wrote about how good the asam pedas Melaka is. I`ve been to Perak a few times and eaten at different places in Ipoh, Taiping, Kampar and also at the R&R Sungai Perak. The food looks good but tasteless. If I were to comment on Perak food, I`d say they lack salt, lack chilli, lack sourness, lack everything but looks. So asam pedas Melaka would be heaven for Perak people. I have an auntie from Perak and when she married my uncle two things I remember about her. I was still a child then in the 70`s. Low salt food and green decors. I think my first exposure to color matching for furniture is at her house. She`ve got green TV covers, green curtains etc. It`s beautiful compared to other homes where people just chose whatever they like and never bother about matching. Who would know about it in the 70`s anyway. So, these are the 3 theories on how Melaka became famous with it`s asam pedas or asam pedas is famous in Melaka. They also don`t have many varieties. I think the true authentic Melaka dishes are the Nyonya ones but they also doesn`t suits me. I still prefer the Negeri Sembilan dishes which is for me the best in Malaysia.
I am forever baffled on why people are so crazy over asam pedas or tumis. It has never appealed by taste-buds. But I once prepared asam pedas ala my mum's (letak jeruk cina)using ikan parang ( wow! that fish sure has lots of bones to pick with!!hehe)and someone commented it was good and she asked for the recipe. Whether she is a good food analyzer (thus her comments are valid) or not, I can't vouch.
So what's with all this brouhaha about asam pedas melaka? Beats me! ANd as you confirmed, it's not even pedas!! It doesn't even deserve it's name, imagine!
I believe if we do biopsies on the tongues of those people who do multiple returns to the said restaurant, we will discover that their taste-buds are all atrophied or something, hehe
Anyway, asam laksa aside, this is a quick entry from your last's. As the norm, we had to wait weeks for a new entry from you but not this time. Is this a dawn of a new era?? Perhaps, it's not only me who is being cursed by the Lotong's badi?? Only that you are affected oppositely? haha
dith, at 11:10 PM
Badi Lotong hit you real hard eh? Cuba lar mandi air 7 lembah mudah mudahan jadi molek. Kawe selalu tulis tapi sebagai commentator jek di merata tempat. Lagi syok. Ni pun tulis entry sebab kebetulan ke Melaka.
Boogey, at 11:25 PM
Yeah,Boogey in the guise of many forms:
a)Aki Anjang -when you want to comment in bahasa pahang ulu against poor harmless Tokki Andak
b)Mat Derih- also when using bahasa ulu pahang but in a younger sense of style
c)Wok Selamah- when your eostrogen levels overcome your manly self. Also when you need to comment but afraid of the repercussions and hoped that by being female, ppl will soften.
d)Paul Moss- when your sarcastic mood is overwhelming especially in photography
e)Karam SIngh Valia- when the journalistic blood in you is surging high and out of control and the pantun, bidalan and what nots are overflowing! But most of the time this KSV gives incomprehensible coments!
f)Boogey- when you feel safe to comment as yourself
Conclusion: it's high time you see a psychiatrist! You're being plagued by multipersonality disorder! You may need ECT to bring back your old one self!
dith, at 7:25 AM
Me mum?? (scratches head... sapa lagi yek)...
Bland food eh? I guess you never tried the Secret Perak Family Recipe... jeng jeng jeng... that turns up during every special occasion...
I wanna try you guys punya asam pedas. Mine is not that good I think, although I did get some Negeri tips via K Liza's MIL!
Mama Pongkey, at 8:37 AM
I think you really need to stop sampling the food from stalls and get invited into homes... where the real good cooking is... hehehehe..
Mama Pongkey, at 8:38 AM
Your asam pedas is probably not so good because you`re half Perak. Imagine if you are a full Perakian.
Yes your mom lah ...hehehehehe. But that was years ago masa baru kawin. Sekarang dah lain lar.
I think we should go tegether lar. Also with Ikelah. We do group theraphy all together gether can get discount probably. Saper nak jadi Shrink?
Boogey, at 5:20 PM
Siapa lagi? Has la! hehe
dith, at 8:58 PM
ni.... ramai yang konfius, anyway not me.
asam peadas=apa dan kuan warna apa?
1. asam tumis=apa dan kuah warna apa
singang=apa dan kuah warna apa?
kawe rase asam pedas, asam tempoyok, asam tumih, singgang kat rumoh kita sedak kan!
2. masakan ni, lain negeri lain definasinnya. contoh johor, pelik sikit. asam tumis tu dia panggil asam pedas.
mengapa family kita ada affinity pada orang pelik? except panglima and nona.(pada johorean lain jangan marah, ini gurauan keluarga).
panglima kena badi ayah cik. kenakelayan kena badi nona. hanim kena badi cik da. azman kena badi ayah teh. awak yang lain tu kena badi kawe, paling kuat 3 kena.
kuat rindu awok kat bini awok.... ihang maco. selalu jual mahe abih... ini binkeh ke melaka.
dah beli magazine tu?
Ikelah, at 11:54 PM
Haah, binkeh macam lipeh kudong, tok tentu hala...
Depan orang buak muke stone macho tok kemut langsung. Belakang orang, bini ilang sekejak, terus meracau, jadi giler meroyan terus!
dith, at 1:37 AM
Haiyah.. I still maintain that Boogey's sampling population is skewed, and is therefore not representative of the entire Perakian population. :)
Kawe nak rasa asam pedas awok tu betul ke sedap benor. Ke khayalan Paul Moss jek.
Ha ah ye kawe kena badi Nona. Tapi masa tu kawe tak plan pun... niat kawe masa tu kawe tak hingin kawin org melayu. Kan dah jadi... hehehehe. Panglima and Pok Man kena badi Ayah Chik. Zindegi kena badi Hanim and Cik De, tapi lagi kuat badi Hanim (nama fiance pun tiru!). Siaplah fiance dia pun Zindegi jugak. Kawe nak tengok Adik kena badi sape. Housemate kawe yang dulu pun kena badi kawe & Nona.
Kawe mula2 nak kesian kat Boogey sebab jauh dari bini, tapi now kawe rasa nak gloat sebab kawe dan Orang Kilang JAUH lagi macho. :D
Mama Pongkey, at 3:21 AM
Dan kawe?? Kawe kena badi mende?? Kawe kena badi suku sakat kaum asyli yang sokmo ngaku hensem and macho dan sebok nok ngissi slot empat-empat, pada he, slot hok satu tu pon tak tekejor! Hai sampai mati ler kawe kena badi ni!
Dan awok Boogey jangan la nok ngarah kawe mandi air tujuh lemboh ke, bunge ke, sebak badi ni doh melekat sebati tak leh pisoh doh!!!
dith, at 4:53 AM
Boogey weiii! Kita orang Pahang mesti beradab. Cakap siang pandang2, cakap malam, dengor2. Sedap mulut laser awok nguttuk org Perak.
Janganlah sebak maroh ke Asam Pedas Melaka yang tawar ghebeh tu, langsung awok kait dengan org Perak yg tok berdosa tuh.
Doh ler si kenakelayan tu kecek hati. Dia tu sebenornya konpius tentang asal usul dia. Mak org Perak. Papa pulok org Chenor. Laki dia Sarawak. Tapi nettap di Dungun. Dia tak tahu nak menangkan siapa lerr tu.
Last2 kawe rase la, orang Johor jugok yg best masakan nye! Betol tak
orang Johor? *tokki andak kenyit mata kat bini Boogey*
Anonymous, at 8:08 AM
wokme cakak kene badii. jangan memain badi menatang. wok tak tau menatng ade penjage nye.
zindegi nok ke sape ppulok? ngapa wok tok beritahu moyang sesiang sikit. anok cigu dengornye? orang mane cikgu rahin tu.
andok ooi, awok main mate dengan bini orang buat mende? sudoh sudohla andok. orang johor molek, macang orang pahang juge.cacang pinang di kacik dua. eh eh... gobek nyang mane!
Anonymous, at 11:19 AM
Oh oh....sorry, family gathering ye, kat sini?
Anonymous, at 3:55 PM
Oklah since you all ni beriya benar dengan asam pedas, marilah saya beri tips sedikit
1) Asam pedas boleh guna apa-apa ikan (including pari) jua tapi kenalah kelas dulu bagi hilang hanyir nya.
2) Bagi memberi wangi kuah asam tu, boleh isi, daun kesum, bunga kantan atau daun limau purut. Untuk asam rebus pulak boleh tukar dgn daun pudina atau daun selasih
3) Resepi mak saya guna daun limau purut and lots of freshly cracked black pepper. Asam rebus mak pula, ada banyak variants:
a)guna nenas dan ikan kembung, cili hidup dan belacan
b)guna betik muda, daun selasih, lada hitam
Frankly speaking, saya lebih gemar asam rebus dari tumis. Dan setentunya asam rebus lebih sihat kerana tiada minyak diperlukan!hidup asam rebus
dith, at 4:03 PM
Takpe, jemput join in. Mana tahu ada tips boleh contribute...
Kawe nyer resipi telah diIndianised. Seperti kawe jugok :)
Daun kesum = hari tu cuba tanam tapi dah kena fried dek duduk dekat heater. Nak beli kat Chinatown malas nak bayar 5 pound untuk travel. Kena mintak pokok kat Mama Sarah.
Bunga kantan = as above.
Daun limau purut = ada hok kering. Beli dekat kedai above. Beg besar, dah bertahun tak habis2 lagi.
Daun pudina??? Lada hitam??? In asam pedas??? Nani????
Kawe suka letak daun ketumbar... hehehe sapa tak suka daun ketumbar tak bolehlah makan masakan kawe, kawe bubuh sokmo.
Daun pudina kawe bubuh dalam teh and biriyani ikan. Ahaaa...
Mama Pongkey, at 4:29 AM
H the Manis,
Hehe...cuba lah letak lada hitam, bestt
Daun pudina dalam asam rebus bukan asam tumis, jgn konpius!
Cerita pasal daun kesum awok kena bakar dek heater, kawe teringatkan budak di negeri Cina yang terjatuh tersembam muka melekap kat heater, pengsan 1/2 jam. Habis muka dia cair!! Masyallah! Habis rompong hidung, muka distorted beyond recognition! Baru ni after undergoing multiple plastic surgery, ambik kulit perut, kuranglah siket ngeri mya!
dith, at 6:37 AM
Pycno, tak nak join???
dith, at 6:37 AM
Kenakelayan, you can always invite me for makan-makan. I like 'daun ketumbar' and Bea loves to put daun ketumbar in her dishes too. But I know ada orang tak suka itu punya daun.
Anonymous, at 6:50 AM
ni pesta sure heboh ker?
ala, asam pedas, tutup mata pun jadi, he he he.
ada dua version ikut gaya saya.
tips untuk asam pedas kick,
buat ler ikang singam, masuk ler macam 2 ikan yang lepas tiga hari boleh goreng, makan dengan pulut gaul nyior.
ikan singam tu kena hangat 2 kali sehari, simpam atas tuku, airy ler, nanti busuk, jangan masuk peti sejuk.
o.k ikan dia boleh goreng ler, yang kuah dia tu buat kuah asam pedah
ada cair version: cuma tambah daun kesum dan bunga kantan, chili boh, kunyit hidup tumbuk dan bawang putih satu ulas dan bawang merah dua tiga ulas. asam garam dah taruk erlier.
yang pekat punya version, kena tumis, bawang, halia, kuah, serbuk kari ikan. taruk ler vege
untuk isinya taruk ler ikan kelas2 sikit yang fresh.
sekali rasa nok sokmo.
fasal group therapy tu kawe tak nak jadi therapist, sebab kawe kat sini orang tak beri hazard leaves, keh, keh, keh.
HCI, at 6:38 PM
Sampling population kawe tu sample segar. Masih laku. Try eat at R&R Sungai Perak tu and then tell me which gerai yang masak sedap. Then try at other R&Rs in Air Keroh, Pagoh, Seremban or Temerloh and do your evaluation. Remember also that exceptions does not change the general idea. Hehehehe.
Orang Johor masak sedap jugak. Cumanya dorang ni terperangkap sendiri dalam sindrom obsesi kicap.
They are by trait mostly carnivors yang tak makan ulam. And they don`t consume ikan air tawar. They have to be taught of these worldly pleasures because by trait they are denied of em. That`s why Islam encourages berkawin jauh jauh untuk bagi peluang setengah orang tu belajar makan ulam,ikan sungei, makan sedak sedak. Tuhan sayang kat orang Perak orang Johor ni. Sebak tu walau dia kurangkan setengah menda, dia jadikan pulok orang Pahang ni murah hati untuk berkongsi pelbagei.
Lama tak nampak? Yes u can enjoy also seeing Kenakelayan and DITH merapu here. Here is where we entertain ourselves observing the futile attempt at revenge by DITH for whatever comments I left at her blogs.
Yes, with DITH in the group it can be hazardous.
Kawe masak asam pedas tak pakai banyok bahan pun. Yang penting ikannya fresh. Taruk keledek lagi best.
Boogey, at 7:45 PM
I believe being 'futile' here is very much subjective. My effort may seemed futile by you but believe me, I gain great pleasure in letting my guard down here and leaving 'merapu' comments so to speak.
So when can we read your next entry? Soon I hope, so that I can 'shower' you with more ammo.
dith, at 10:58 PM
boogey; orang johor panggil asam pedas tu asam rebus, and asam tumis tu asam pedas. p5 masa kat kuantan hari pun dah berubah... rasa perak dan johor pun macam tu. terpaksalah 'the old man' beri penerangannya. my asam tumis pahang simple: bawang kecil, bawang putih, daum kesom, asam gelugur, garam, cili padi merah, kunyit, lengkuas dan masukkan ikan, preferbly ikan sungai. garam jangan lupa dan sedikit gula jika perlu. setengah orang masukkan belimbing kecil untuk masamkan.
thats asam pedas ala pahang.
Ikelah, at 4:54 AM
Come to think of it, mint does go very well with fish dishes... inshaAllah the next time I have fish... I'll try some of the tips here.
Housemate kawe orang Johor yang duduk dekat border Pahang memang sedap masakannya.. dan memang suka pakai kicap.
Kawe Melayu stuff ni not too authentic. Kawe twist kasik Indianised sikit ehehe. I like spices. But nowadays am influenced by the healthy lessspice but more flavour some trend in cooking. Basically less is more. :)
This is like kari mamak ke? The longer you reheat it the better it tastes? Tak hancur ke ikan tu after 2 days? Kat UK ni tak boleh reheat makanan selalu, nanti lagi cepat basi. I don't understand it myself.
Tokki Andak
Benarlah tu. Kawe kalau pasal family member, hell hath no fury. :) Woe betide the housemate who insulted my mother when she was here years ago (not current housemate)... you don't want to know how I dealt with her.
Bagus senang, another ketumbar/dhania/kotamalai fan. InshaAllah boleh... mari makan kambing! Or fish working on the lamb version.
*rolls her eyes*
Your point is easily disproved by the fact that on many roadtrips, I have had my fair share of bad cooking at Pahang wayside establishments. That does not imply that the whole of Pahang can't cook.
I think Pahang's quirky breakfast of sardines with pulut is simply amazing. And so is Terengganu-style laksam and nasi dagang, absolutely unbeatable. Kat sini, kawe terpaksa buat sendiri, hehehe.
I could easily disprove you by bringing you to Perakian houses/establishments where there is great cooking, but frankly, kena ke? And besides, with you not there, it would mean more food for me and Orang Kilang :D
You will never miss what you never had.
So go on and live your life in ignorance and denial.
I think this is the ultimate revenge :D
Mama Pongkey, at 4:33 AM
YESSSSS!!!!(*with right fist high in the air*)
The ultimate revenge!
dith, at 7:05 AM
Yeah, i`m looking forward to you taking me on the quest in search of good food in Perak. For how many days shall I pack my clothes? Do we have to go offroad, cross rivers and climb mountains? Hehehehe. Probably in the end kita makan Tom Yam dengan nasik paprik kot. Tu pun orang Kelantan masak.
In Pahang there are many peneroka Felda. If you happen to eat near Jengka, sana ramai peneroka from Perak. They were the first batch peneroka Felda. Kalau area Keratong, sana ramai orang Kedah and Kelantan. Well even if the taste is good, Perakian would probably say it`s too spicy or too salty because lidah dah biasa makan blant food. Hahahahahaha.
Well dear, this is BMW, the ultimate driving experience.
Well about Pahang people, the problem is not the food. The food is good. It`s the attitude like what Ikelah wrote in his blog.
Boogey, at 5:24 PM
BMW= Banyak Merapu World, the ultimate
place of 'auta-mengauta' , where Mr Putar Alam a.k.a Boogey resides!
dith, at 2:11 AM
Boogey, how does it feel to have almost 30 comments already? hehe. Let's push to 50!
dith, at 7:49 AM
I think we will make excellent tv presenters with this constant bickering. Apa kata kita buat food/cookery programme, you, me and DITH, kita meloyar buruk sambil go around Malaysia in search of good food. Dekat sini ada rancangan The Hairy Bikers' Cookbook,
they tour the world (recent episode in Vietnam) and explore local markets, gerai etc. And at the end of the programme they cook the ingredients they bought at some famous outdoor locale. I think we would be great.
One possible episode: Me and DITH go off to my Perakian relatives' houses, while you suffer on your own at the RnR stalls. :D Then at the end we get together and me and DITH cook dekat tepi Sungai Perak (Pok Man can catch the freshwater fish, heck Pok Man can even do the cooking!) while you chop all the ingredients and wipe our peluh. But at the end we do allow you to eat lah. But ladies first lah. :D
We can drive around in style in OK's new baby.
IKelah does all the mouth-watering luscious food photography.
Panglima can provide emergency services as well as backup photos.
Who can do make up hah? Oh yeah my cousin (Perakian and proud of it) is a Mak Andam.
Now we just need to market this idea to a tv station...
Mama Pongkey, at 1:54 PM
H the Manis,
hehe, excellent, provoking idea! (provoking Boogey to banter more, I think!)
An overview description of the suggested show: A fun cooking-cum-celoteh show involving A young bubbly lady, a sedately-cool 40 ish lady and a sour-grape not-so-young
The routine trend would be for the both of us to mingle with the kampung folks and display their cooking prowess whilst the old prig (read Boogey) having a difficult time searching for a good stall searching for food that can satiate his Negori-recipes-pining-taste-buds
(habis berpeloh, basah ketiak, mencari tak jumpa!!)
Each time at the end of the show, the finale scene would be us grinning with great satisfaction, showing our signature thumbs up and the old prude (read Boogey, again), all grumpy and sweat-drenched!!
p.s. while you chop all the ingredients and wipe our peluh
Heck no! He will be profusely drenched in his own sweat (habis lencun macam kena hujan monsoon), so how can he wipe our sweat?
dith, at 3:28 PM
Revenge is sweet eh? hehe
dith, at 4:16 PM
kawe suke benor la si boogey nak buat pilem. ade juga cicit wek masok tb.
awok nok cari sape weh! no susoh azemi mana dia reti. awok mintok je erma kawan awok yang laki dia si bado tu. wek dengo dia reti tangkak gambo.
awok kene jaga mizan, peloh awok tu macang ujan turun dari dahi awok. berambi sikit jangan masok dalam belange. nanti telebih masing pulok.
Anonymous, at 7:25 PM
Dear Kenakelayan/DITH,
Your relatives might cook well I believe. So does some Perakian who have or are still living outside Perak. But it still doesn`t change the whole complete idea. Compared to other states, the chances you can eat good tasty food in Perak is very slim. Probably that`s why Slim River is in Perak, for the slim chances. Rivers can either be narrow, deep, tohor or wide but not slim.
To be at peace with you all and to jaga hati I`ll just conclude:
1. Not all Perakians cook bland food. Some, you`ll have to do some travelling to find them, ask around etc, do cook well.
2. This is positive. Perakians have more taste receptors on their toungue than other people. So, they can detect even the lightest taste, they say very good already. If they eat Pahang or Negeri food, they go crazy of overdosage and start trembling, convulsion and chant Boogey Bad Boogey Bad Bad Bad Bad.
3. Perakians have bigger toungue compared to others, so they still have more taste receptors. That`s why their dialect is similar to Down Syndrome patients. They tend to blame it on the air Sungai Perak though.
So Perak food are good for Perakians. That`s why the warungs and R&R are still flourishing. The good thing is, it shows that Perakians have amazing self confidence far exceeding their capabilities. They cook lousy but they can open food business. Wow!
Let`s talk about Johorians now. Though Johoreans can cook better, they are like what you can see in the Hairy Bikers cook book program.
They eat disgusting things like the siput sedut. And they teach others the bad habit. Yucks. I`ve never tried them thinking of the worms inside but hearing how tasty it it, I can just imagine what it can do to Perakians. So Kenakelayan, don`t go look for food with DITH in Johor. Limit your quest within the Perak border and to play safe, use the state of Selangor and Negeri as the buffer zone. I think that`s why Perak border doesn`t touch the Johor border. It can`t be a coincidence. A careful study about this must have been done by someone and alhamdulillah the Perak population is saved from extinction and we can still eat bland food now and then.
So you see, even bad things actually results in good things like in DITH`s latest entry. Bland food teaches us to be thankful when we finally get good food. Siput sedut teaches us that no matter how bad our food is, there are always others who cook worse. Also teaches us that if whatever I said here bothers you create any sort of problem, it will make you wiser (from DITH entry). So if you get wiser today, you can thank me by giving me a treat.
The ultimate driving experience.
Boogey, at 8:41 PM
Kome orang Perak tak rela diperlakukan sedemikian! Jaga awak Boogey. Selangkah awak masuk Negeri Perak, kome akan mengerjokan awak, siap dilapah licin ke tulang!
Jom Yop semua! Mari kite belasah si turki sesat ni sorang!
Anonymous, at 10:53 PM
I have never heard of Asam Pedas and I don't understand what this bickering is all about.
Boogey, maybe you should take my place here as the American Idol judge. I see that you are sharper than me in your comments against the asam pedas.
But I must warn you to beware of Paula. She is not as sweet as she seemed. I may be outrightly rude but Paula is even worse! I don't know if your macho persona can stand her!
Anonymous, at 11:00 PM
Comments flowing in everyday. Yeah it feels good. Like driving a BMW. Looks like it`ll go on to 50 after all if there are still people who thinks they can out taki me. Read my lips : autaki. Change it to present tense it becomes autaking. Break it up it becomes Auta King.
Boogey, at 11:02 PM
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
dith, at 11:18 PM
Dendam kesumat, is bitter isn`t it. But if it`s all sunshine all day and night, then when shall we sleep kan? We must just take it as it is lah. Terima se adanya as people love to say nowadays.
So which one is it? Many receptors or huge toungue?
Boogey, at 11:21 PM
Yeah Boogey,
Only a born Auta can make such crude 'auta' terms to describe themseleves!
hehe<====ngilai style PSM
mana lak si H the Manis ni. Boleh cukup sampai 50 komen, dapat baca entry baru awok!
dith, at 11:23 PM
You don`t have to look for Kenakelayan. She`s probably in a trance right now. Having read and seen the truth, probably enlightened enough to reach Nirwana or whatever it`s called, she won`t be available just yet.
I can just imagine her right now bersila hands on knees, palms up and floating 5 feet above ground. Perakians would be 10 ft, she`s only half breed but an enlightened one.
Boogey, at 11:53 PM
Kawe ingat Teh jer yg terer bab auta meng auta ni. Rupa nya awok lagi kelas! Kawe tabik awok!
Dgn ini kawe nobatkan awok sebagai Auta King terulung seluruh Malaya!
*trumpet fanfare*
dith, at 12:13 AM
Hello guys,
don't normally reply but this I had to say.
The best meal I had was not linked to any negeri but was linked with a profound memory.
I was very young then, just about to enter asrama and I had lunch with my arwah mother.
I remembered we did not say anything to each other, her because she was quitely crying (her baby son was leaving her for semenanjung) and me, well, there was nothing I could say to make her cry. so we both quietly finished our meal, drank our ice lemon tea and she pimpim my hand all the way to the departure gate.
I will never forget that meal.
Anonymous, at 2:53 AM
Eh, since you can make good asam pedas, can post the recipe here? Me salivating over the thought of asam pedas better than the one i always eat.
By the way, I haven't tried the Kota Laksamana Pedas, I've only ever tried the one near the Pasar Borong, it's very popular.
Anonymous, at 5:08 AM
Well said. That could have been a good story for a profound entry!
You must miss her a lot, i can see. May Allah swt place her amongst the guided, ameen.
dith, at 6:21 AM
I like your concept, especially the ending bit. We must start pre-production right away!
Was very the busy one today. Got lots of work done, no time for internetting-lah. Still got lots to do but take the mini break one lah.
Must help Boogs reach 50 comments...
No I was not in a trance. More like impressed by the sher audacity of your statements.
Your stubbornness makes me laugh. Good thing no one is here in the office. :) Repetition doth not the truth make. You can say it in oh so ever many ways but at the end of the day you don't have proof. :D
Funnily enough the best siput sedut I had was made by a Perakian lady :D I am surprised at you Boogs. Claiming to be such a connesseiur of Johorean cuisine but never tasted one of their hallmark dishes? Tsk, tsk. Defective sampling indeed.
Boogey, put your money where your mouth is. Prove it. Talk is cheap.
And you should eat humble pie and admit it: you don't have reliable data that supports your conclusions. Ni namanya manufacturing results. Unethical.
I am lucky to have been able to meet her at all. :)
Mama Pongkey, at 6:57 AM
hi mizan.... u nak i produce or direct you punye documentary? I boleh setuju dengan conceptnya cuma we have to alter a bit, proper selection of location and time.
i understand your problem with your friends or 'enemies' but there are some truth in what they were saying.
macam inilah, waktu cuaca panas di malaysia, kita shoot kat genting, cameron highlands, maxwell hill, bukit tinggi, frasers hill, janda baik etc. ita a bit coolong there. you know what i mean.
you might argue that how about orang kampung who are supposed to be the king or queen in tha traditional malay cooking. yang itu kita pergi masa musim tengkujuh. masa hujan lebat taklah obvious sangat, orang tak perasan sangat.
ok boogey, you have my number, call me.
Anonymous, at 7:29 AM
You are Mizan, right?
Ok, I nak counter offer you since si Erma dah offer dulu.
I punya production house, 10 on 10 pictures, memang nak buat rancangan masakan with humour macam dia orang dok suggest tu. Ingat nak employ chef wan but mahal sangat dia. So probably I ambik you je. Orang kata you can work for free (asal dapat masuk tv), betul ke? I dengar, drama yang you lakon kat Turki dulu pon, Erma tak habis bayar. Betul ke?
Anyway, my offer ada dateline, by midnight tomorrow. Call me.
p.s. kalau you bagus, I boleh ambik you jadi Hang Tuah ganti mat salleh tu. (reserve)
Anonymous, at 8:16 AM
Abang Boogey,
Siti suka asam pedas masuk asam rong. Kat Lepih banyak asam rong. Abang Boogey pernah rasa tak asam pedas ni?
Siti ingat kenduri kawin Siti nanti nak masuk Asam Pedas Rong dalam menu. Tapi belom tanya Abang K lagi.
Abang Boogey ni asal mana? Asyik ngutuk orang Perak je. Tak baik tau.
Oklah Siti nak masuk tidor, besok ada show. bye!
Anonymous, at 8:21 AM
My goodness! Masyallah! Look who are here Boogey! Your site has lured some big figures I see.
p.s SUre you didnt pay them to write here??
*drroza wonders why no politicians come here*
dith, at 4:03 PM
Akhir akhir ini negara kita digemparkan oleh kebanjiran berita berita palsu kenaikan harga minyak yang disebarkan oleh anasir anasir yang cemburu dengan kemakmuran dan kemurahan kerajaan kita berterusan memberi subsidi minyak kepada rakyat jelata. Menyahut seruan kerajaan untuk menentang ancaman kuasa asing untuk menjajah negara kita, kita mesti memekakkan telinga kepada berita berita palsu yang merupakan fitnah semata mata. Khabar khabar yang tidak berasas dan ketandusan bukti yang menyatakan ayam ayam di Malaysia mati beramai ramai kerana selsema, kanak kanak di Sarawak menghidapi jankitan kaki tangan dan mulut hanya akan menjejaskan industri ayam goreng malah melumpuhkan industri kasut. Tentu sekali pihak asing yang mempunyai kapal perikanan laut dalam dan kilang kasut luar negara juga yang akan dengan geli hati menangguk di air keruh kita. Rakyat seharusnya mempercayai bahawa selsema tidak membunuh ayam malah hanya melelehkan hingus sahaja, tidak ada bukti sedemikian kecuali hingus, penyakit kaki, tangan dan mulut sebenarnya hanya di kalangan lembu sahaja dan bukan membawa maut tetapi hanya menyebabkan lembu lembu lambat berjalan, menulis dan makan. Sekiranya terdapat dakwaan yang sebaliknya, mereka perlulah mengemukakan bukti yang kukuh seperti membawa kaki, tangan atau spesimen tilam bukti dan sebagainya untuk kajian DNA yang terperinci. Sekiranya gagal, mereka boleh didakwa di bawah akta OSA, OKU, ISU dan sebagainya atas pertuduhan menyebar fitnah dengan niat yang teramat jahat sekali.
Satu lagi khabar angin ialah mengenai makanan di negeri Perak darul riduan yang boleh menjejaskan penjualan makanan di sana. Niat yang amat jelas tersangat jahat ini terbukti apabila tiada bukti yang dapat dikemukakan selain daripada makanan di Perak yang tidak ada kena mengena lansung dengan isu yang dibangkitkan. Pemimpin kita selalu menegaskan supaya sekiranya ingin membuat tuduhan, mestilah mengemukakan bukti yang kukuh yang boelh diterima dengan hati yang ikhlas murni oleh pihak yang dituduh, malah lebih bagus sekiranya bukti tersebut boleh mengharukan sehingga menitiskan air mata insaf pihak tertuduh sehingga saling bermaaf maafan di hari yang mulia ini ibarat kata patun,
kalau roboh kota melaka, papan dijawa kami dirikan, kalau sungguh bagai dikata, hati dan jiwa kami serahkan.
Sekian, TV3.
Anonymous, at 6:58 PM
50 nak jadi 51. selamat berdebat.
asam pedas
asam rong
asam tumis
asam rebus
masak pedas cili api
sama atau lain... menjadi persoalan utuk karam singh vallia dan tv3membuat liputan atau minta nozi pawan chek dengan majalah 3 buat perincian.;)
Ikelah, at 8:06 PM
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Anonymous, at 2:12 AM
Never to compare any food at any R&R to any gerai or home made.. it's always tasteless.. :-p
Rodziah Ahmad, at 7:05 AM
saya berasal dari negeri sembilan.. dah banyak tempat juga ssaya pergi makan perak...dan pernah juga makan masakan kelantan dan terengganu...isk..isk..iskk..takder satu pon yg boleh masuk ke tekak saya. ntah mana rasa ntah masa ghuper...semua takder...kalao nk kata asam pedas melaka best..rasanya negeri sembilan punya lagi best.. garam,asam dan pedas semua terasa...
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